Many clients can forget that event planners do more than throw weddings, birthday parties, and anniversaries. Crème de le Chic loves each and every event in between! We recently had the pleasure of doing a fun and exciting baby shower.
Our client contacted us wanting to give her friend a unique and personalized co-ed shower to welcome her little boy into the world. She gave us free reign, so we developed an elephant/old world circus theme. The mother-to-be was super happy with the outcome and loved all the personal touches! Take a look at the results below and see if you agree with her! At the end of the article we are happy to share some information about where we purchased materials, additional links, & some of our inspiration. Enjoy, you Do It Yourself-ers!!!!
We put the gift table and banner straight ahead in the room. We purchased all the paper for the banner from one of our favorite stores...Paper Source. We incorporated the coke bottles as small vases because our client wanted to bring in a splash of floral to the feature tables. We made the hot air balloons and painted them with coordinating colors. {Tune in next week for a how-to!}
Top Left: The late afternoon event was perfect for before dinner munchies. This floral arrangement was front and center as guest picked up their treats!
Top Right:On some tables we added a carnival flag to the babies breath arrangement.
Center:We found these adorable elephants from the fine paper area at our local Paper Source.
Bottom left: We provided a co-ed game for guest to play during the shower. What man and woman doesn't like to eat? We covered 5 different flavored baby food jars and created a little taste guest test. We added a personal touch by attaching a flag pencil to each card. {Paper Source also sells every type of paper you could imagine...including textured book binding paper, great for making flags!}
Bottom Right:The favors were circus peanuts & peanut M&M's
Left:Yellow Gerber daises in glass coke bottle. {Just a hubby makes fun of me because I collect random containers,bottles, boxes,etc...but this shows that they get used!}
Right: We painted $4 paint cans from Home Depot with a flat gold paint that we had in the office already. We added a touch of dry moss to the bottom of each babies breath centerpiece to keep it natural.
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Right: We painted $4 paint cans from Home Depot with a flat gold paint that we had in the office already. We added a touch of dry moss to the bottom of each babies breath centerpiece to keep it natural.
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